El Hechicero de la Montaña de Fuego (The Warlock of Firetop Mountain)

«Ekil Erif
Ekam Erif
Erif Erif
Di Maggio»

Farrigo Di Maggio

Cuadro realizado en acrílico en el que se muestra al Hechicero Zagor, un personaje mítico en los libros de la colección Lucha Ficción y que en los años ochenta devorábamos mi hermano Doyo y yo (sobra recordar que por aquellos tiempos aún no existían Ps3 ni nada por el estilo, lo cual agradeceré siempre). Fue precisamente él quien me animó a jugar a este tipo de libros en los que necesitabas un par de dados, un lapiz y un papel para ir trazando un mapa y no tropezar dos veces con la misma piedra (sino tres). Llegar a la guarida del Hechicero, escondido en lo más recóndito de la Montaña de Fuego y acabar con él se convirtió en una obsesión para ambos y con eso ocupábamos muchas horas de ocio. Tras ese libro vinieron o

tros tantos de la misma colección, pero ese fue el primero y también el único en el que luchamos codo con codo hasta alcanzar el objetivo, motivo por el cual le regalé este cuadro el día de su boda. Ahora cuelga en lo alto de la escalera de su casa y cuando sus hijas (mis sobrinas) preguntan quién es ese, les decimos que es alguien muy importante que protege la casa desde lo alto.

In the later part of 1982, two individuals known as Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone finished a project known as The Magic Quest that they had begun in August of that year. The project was an adventure gamebook, a fantasy story with a difference. In The Magic Quest the reader actually decided what happened next. After a long introduction to set the scene, the reader would become a main character and player in the adventure, given options as to which way to progress within the story. An additional element in t

he adventure book idea was the use of six-sided dice, an exciting new feature that contributed to its phenomenon success.

Before a story or adventure could begin, the reader or ‘player’ had to determine the main character’s abilities, in preperation for encounters with deadly enemies or dangerous scenarios. These abilities were generated through the use of the dice (or D6 as they are commonly known in role-playing quarters) and were Skill, Stamina and Luck. With the use of a basic and easy-to-follow combat system (using the D6), along with the character stats, a player could face dangerous tasks and fight battles with the outcome of possible success or failure dependant on the role of a dice. Upon the book’s completion and after an endless debate, the original working title of The Magic Quest was dropped and a new title reached through compromise. On the day the completed book was finally handed in, The Warlock of Firetop Mountain was born, and with it the beginnings of the Fighting Fantasy game and legacy. The book holds a unique place in the annals of Fighting Fantasy. As well as being first in the series, it introduced a legion of fans to the excitement of Gamebooks and went on to become an international bestseller.

Book Description: The object of this first Fighting Fantasy adventure is to traverse the Firetop Mountain, a vast highland outcrop on the eastern reaches of the Pagan Plains and north western reaches of the Moonstone Hills. Within the mountain is the evil Warlock Zagor, a ruthless and powerful sorcerer who rules over the region with his chaotic legions of orcs, goblins and trolls.

Colección: Lucha Ficción (Fighting Fantasy)

Licencia: Todos los derechos reservados

Año de creación: 2004

Estado: No disponible

Tipo de obra: Pintura

Medidas (en cms)
Altura: 232
Anchura: 89
Profundidad: 2

Técnica: Acrílico

Soporte: Lienzo

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