«The Masque of the Red Death» (originally published as «The Mask of the Red Death: A Fantasy«) is a short story by American writer Edgar Allan Poe, first published in 1842. The story follows Prince Prospero’s attempts to avoid a dangerous plague, known as the Red Death, by hiding in his abbey. He, along with many other wealthy nobles, hosts a masquerade ball in seven rooms of the abbey, each decorated with a different color. In the midst of their revelry, a mysterious figure disguised as a Red Death victim enters and makes his way through each of the rooms. Prospero dies after confronting this stranger, whose «costume» proves to contain nothing tangible inside it; the guests also die in turn.

Licencia: Todos los derechos reservados

Año de creación: 2020

Estado: Disponible

Tipo de obra: Pintura / collage 

Medidas (en cms)


Anchura: 131

Profundidad: 4

Soporte: Lienzo 3D

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